Tuesday, July 23, 2024

From Meg -- June 6, 1975


Hi Dona,

Thanks for your letter, and yes I have played patience (solitaire) but I don't think I ever won. Unfortunately I don't know any versions that can be played in the car. We often grumble about the weather over here, but at least we don't get tornadoes. We've had very good weather just lately, but I'm going on holiday soon (July 5th) and I'm just hoping the weather won't change for that particular week.

And by the way, I'm not as small as Jeremy ☺pretends. I don't mind being called Tich, but I am a full 5 feet tall. When Jeremy ☺ calls me Tich, or half pint, I just call him Quackers. [That comes from a children's comedy duo that we used to watched on T.V. -- called Tich and Quackers.

I've got the worst of the exams over now. I took three exams last week -- 2 on the 2nd of June and one on the 4th; but I still have 2 to go. We all have our own methods of revising. When we finish the work that we need to do research for, we have to make sure we can remember it, which is not as easy as it sounds. Over a period of 2 years, we do quite a lot of work, and we have to know it all -- so that if we are asked a question (say something about the eye (for example) we need to be able to answer it without referring to our notes. Learning it all is the problem though -- some read through their notes time and time again -- some take a particular topic and study it repeatedly. I do the latter -- but don't find it very successful. I enter the examination room and find I can't remember anything!

No, I'm not religious either. We often have people (Jehovah's Witnesses) who call round the house frequently, claiming they know everything about God. Even if they did, they can't expect other people to share the same opinion as themselves; and they are quite obstinate when you say you don't want them to tell you all about God.

I hope you do make it over here next year. Jeremy ☺ knows where I live, so you can come over and we shall be able to see who we're writing to!

The party sounded to be quite a fiasco. I remember going to a dance about 18 months ago, or rather I got to the place where it was held. It was held at the countdown disco at Harrogate. We all arranged to go by coach, and everything was paid for previously, but the 'fly in the ointment' as it were, was that there was an age limit at the party. You had to be 18 to get in, and myself and 4 other people were not allowed in. Although there were many others that were under age, they all appeared to be older -- so the five of us that were left stranded, had to find our own way home -- by train!

Perhaps you could tell me about your schooling system. I gather you get credit for different subjects throughout the years, and total them up, and a certain number of credits means graduation. Am I right?

The bank I shall be working at is in Horsforth; not far from where Jeremy ☺ lives.

I'm not sure what gnomes do in gardens. Perhaps they just guard all the flowers or the people!! I've never seen one to ask!!

[9:47 pm No I wasn't at the Fourth of July dance last year, and I don't believe we met to speak to. I met Jeremy ☺ when he first came into the sixth form, nearly a year ago (September '74). -- 9:49 pm]

You see -- I answered the questions in 2 minutes -- do you remember saying I had five minutes to answer them!!!

I'd love to meet you if you come over next year. I'll have a word with Jeremy ☺ and tell him to bring you over.

Jeremy and I tried to tidy up Mrs. Kent's garden last week (the old lady we visit occasionally). The garden hasn't been attended for years, and we started by cutting the grass, with shears -- the grass being too long to use a lawn mower. Then we found a concrete path hidden in the depths, and even a border for flowers, so we attempted to make that work reasonably -- by the end of the day we were beginning to wish we had never offered to do it. Jeremy worked hard, and blistered his hand in 2 places.

Mrs. Kent also has a tiny kitten, which was a stray. It's very likely, but quite timid.

I still have some more revision to do for Maths, so I'll pip, pip! and say goodbye, although I don't have a bowler hat and umbrella! So bye for now.

Love Meg

P.S. I wish you all the luck in the world for your graduation day. (And for college and your future teaching career)

Bye -- Love Meg

Note: I wonder why Meg put a smiley face after Jeremy's name most of the times she wrote it

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From Meg -- May 14, 1976 -- the last one

 Hello Dona, I'll bet you're surprised to get this letter, aren't you? Well, I'm sorry I haven't written earlier -- I...