Tuesday, July 23, 2024

From Meg -- January 18, 1976


Hi Dona,

I thought I'd write to you while I was listening to the radio. It's the top 20 programme just now Thanks for the letter. I've had an afternoon of letter writing today. I got a leather writing case for Christmas, so I've got loads of paper -- and the urge to write letters.

I hope you got your rise you wanted. I may get one soon, too. When it's your birthday you get a rise, so I should get my rise next month. By the way, when is your birthday?

I am still a member of the disco club, but I haven't been there recently. I started going ice-skating just before Christmas, and although I have only been twice, I'm really enjoying it. At least only fell once last time. 

I look forward to seeing you this year. You are very welcome to come to my house too! Jeremy will be able to tell you where it is.

I have been trying to organize our holidays for this year. We originally wanted to go to Jersey, but my brother and his wife are moving house, and they can't afford to go to Jersey for their holiday. We think we may be going to Bournemouth again, or maybe Torbay instead. I had sent an application for some brochures and accommodation lists.

I have been reading a book called Dummy by the author of Shaft -- Ernest Tidyman. It is about a negro in the ghetto in Chicago who is deaf and dumb, and he has been accused of murder. The book tells of all the court proceedings. I don't know yet if he is guilty or not, and I have nearly finished the book! Maybe you have seen the film or read the book!

My workmates are planning a night out soon. We enjoyed the evening so much when we went to see Showaddywaddy that we have booked to see The Drifters at Barkley Variety club in March. There will be about twice as many people going this time though, so it should be great fun!

I have saved up some of the money I have earned and I am going to put it into an account at a Building Society. My parents also started saving for me when I was a baby, so I am going to invest that too! Soon I will have saved up enough to be able to come to America.

Speaking of drinking (or writing of drinking) I don't drink a great deal. My favorite drink is Port and Lemon. One evening, some time ago, Alison knew I was drinking, and when I heard the phone ring, and I answered it, and I heard a voice, in American accent say, "Hi there, this is Dona here, how are you?" For a moment I really believed it was you, until I heard a giggle at the other end of the line, and I realized it was Alison playing a practical joke on me. We had a good laugh about it afterwards!

Well, I will leave here, and wish you a very happy (although late) new year.

Very best wishes to you and your family. Keep smiling!

Love, Meg

Note: I wonder if we actually stopped writing to each other after the last letter or if I didn't keep them all. We both had new things on our plates -- Meg with her bank job and me with working and going to college.

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From Meg -- May 14, 1976 -- the last one

 Hello Dona, I'll bet you're surprised to get this letter, aren't you? Well, I'm sorry I haven't written earlier -- I...