Tuesday, July 23, 2024

From Meg -- May 15, 1975


Hi Dona!

I'm getting lazy again, you know! Not writing letters when I should, but at least I have an excuse this time; I'm too busy revising for the exams. Help!! I think I'm going to fail. My parents and teachers keep telling me I'm not, but I think I am. Oh, who cares, I've still got my job even if I do fail. Do you know what? I'm scared! Help!!*!!?!!! [Oh shut up Margaret, you're making nothing but a mess of this letter].

I'm sorry Dona, I got carried away then (not literally). As you can probably tell I'm getting slightly worried. Everybody here is like a nervous wreck. We usually have a good scream together and a grumble. Alison (you know Alison Lancaster) had a practical music exam yesterday. She had to play the clarinet, and sing, and take a dictation as the music was being played. She was very nervous before she went, and she wouldn't say much when she came out, except that she had been too scared. I was sitting in the library yesterday (doing anything but work) and laughing with my friend who just told me she walked into the wrong room that morning and suddenly stopped because she couldn't work out where she was! She thought the room looked unfamiliar. Honestly, we all go mad in this place eventually. The longer you stay here (the 6th form block) the dafter you get. Jeremy ☺ has been here a year, so he's not quite as mad as me (thank heaven) but he soon will be. By the way, thank you for your letter. It brightened up what had previously turned out to be a bad day.

Sorry about that, I had to leave off for a lesson, besides I was in a strange mood before, so it's just as well -- I had to stop. Anyway -- hello again. I did my thank you for your letter, didn't I? I can't quite remember. I hope you enjoyed your first cousin's baby shower. 

And it's a pity you knew about 'Soylent Green' before you saw the film, and speaking (or writing) of John Jones -- I gather you feel the same way about him as I do, but joking apart, I hope the school went OK. 

You know -- when I read in your letter that your home was open to me any time, I felt warm inside. It is a very kind gesture, and I'm very very grateful. Unfortunately I don't have enough money as yet, but when I start working at the bank, I shall save my money until I have enough to come.

And I did OK in the Latin American dancing, I passed the stand and for Bronze medal and I am now working towards my Silver medal. 

No, I don't like Alice Cooper either, but some of his music is OK. Jeremy says he doesn't like him either. When I told Jeremy about the spider scene, he shouted Ugh! and shivered. Perhaps he doesn't like spiders any more!!

I hope the tea party went well for your teacher/friend. It must have been very crowded with 70 people. I also hope the bus driver found homes for the kittens you told me about in the last letter. An old lady I sometimes visit with Jeremy has a mania for stray cats. She had 12 in her home at one time, although she now has only 4 cats, plus one recently added kitten. I think I'll visit her this afternoon and see the new addition.

I went dancing a week ago last Saturday, and saw a demonstration by two professional dancers. They were very good and the girl was only 16 years old.

Nothing else has happened here since my last letter, apart from that I went dancing. Unless, of course you want to know what I have been revising. I found an old exam paper this morning, all screwed up at the bottom of my school bag; it doesn't belong to me, and I shouldn't really have it now. Oh well I'll think of some excuse to make.

Anyway, I'll have to go now and do some work.

Bye for now,
Love Margaret (Meg)

Note: After speaking with my cousin yesterday it seems that Meg did not visit the US and stay with her like I thought she had. That was someone named Joey. 

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From Meg -- May 14, 1976 -- the last one

 Hello Dona, I'll bet you're surprised to get this letter, aren't you? Well, I'm sorry I haven't written earlier -- I...