Tuesday, July 23, 2024

From Meg -- May 14, 1976 -- the last one

 Hello Dona,

I'll bet you're surprised to get this letter, aren't you? Well, I'm sorry I haven't written earlier -- I'm a very poor writer, but since I've been doing a lot of handwriting at work, I don't like writing letters at night. I don't know which of us wrote last, but please accept my apology for being lazy and not writing sooner.

Anyway, how are you? I hope you're keeping well. I've been fine, except I've broken another tooth -- and I hate going to the dentist.

I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer. Jeremy has said we should perhaps arrange to go into Leeds one day -- to go shopping. He says he doesn't know all the 'girls' shops', so he asked me to go along too and show you the shops. Has he said anything to you yet about it? It should be good fun if you want to do this!

Last week one of the girls at the bank where I work was transferred to a different branch and we now have someone else to take her  place. He's nineteen -- and is  probably taller than both of us put together! (one on top of the other). But before she left we had a night on the town! We (all girls) set out, and visited various 'pubs' or bars as you call them -- and ended up at a restaurant called the 'Flying Pizza'! It's an Italian restaurant selling all sorts of pasta dishes -- which really are delicious! Perhaps you could get Jeremy to take you when you come over -- it's quite an experience!

We've been very busy at work just lately -- some of the staff are sick, some are on holiday -- or taking exams, but we keep going -- which is just as well, because we'd have some complaints if not.

I'm listening to an L.P. at the moment by Wings called 'Wings at the Speed of Sound'. It's really great, particularly the track called 'Warm and Beautiful', although it still doesn't beat John Denver. I didn't get a chance to see him on his tour in Britain, but they televised the show in London, and I saw that! It was out of this world!

This last weekend I went to stay with my brother -- near Blackpool (West coast!). He's got a really nice house, and we all had a great time sunbathing and touring around the 'Lake District'.

Well, it's no good dreaming about it now -- it's past -- but my brother and his wife are coming over to use for the weekend soon -- so we will have a good time again.

Anyway, I'll leave off here and apologize again for not having written before. So long, take care of yourself.

Love Meg

Note: I don't remember if I ever met Meg or if we went shopping in Leeds. I doubt Jeremy and I went to the Flying Pizza. I do remember going to Leeds and doing some shopping but I don't remember Meg being there.

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From Meg -- May 14, 1976 -- the last one

 Hello Dona, I'll bet you're surprised to get this letter, aren't you? Well, I'm sorry I haven't written earlier -- I...