Saturday, July 13, 2024

From Meg W -- January 15, 1975


Dear Dona,

I hope you don't mind me writing to you. I'm not very good at writing letters, so beware! Anyway, Jeremy's told me a lot about you, and I'd like to meet you, mind you, it would be ages before I could save up the air fare to America. Nevertheless, it's nice to be able to write to you.

I live at home with my parents. I do have an older brother, e's 20, but he's married and lives in Leeds. We used to argue a lot but since he got married, we've got on really well. Jeremy's probably told you I'm a year older than he is, so I face 'A' level exams this June. Like Jeremy, I take Biology, but I take Mathematics too. I don't go out very often; only on a Tuesday night, when I go dancing. I take lessons in Ballroom dancing for one hour, then join in the social dancing. It's a very good night out.

By the way, many congratulations on winning your scholarship. It must be quite and achievement. Jeremy told me about it, you must be very clever.

I think we share an honor in knowing Jeremy. He's a very nice boy. Everybody here at school likes him, he's so easy to talk to.

Now for my brother, David. He married Hazel last year, and they bought a house not far away from where I live. Hazel's really nice, it's like having a sister, which is something I have missed. My brother works in insurance. He, too, took 'A' levels in Mathematics, Physics, and Art (like Jeremy). He's very clever; much more than me, and he's doing very well in his job, having just been promoted.

However, I shall have to go now, I must do some revision for the 'mock' exams next week.

Take care of yourself!

From Meg.
(Margaret Wilson)

P.S. I told you I wasn't very good at writing letters. Mind you, if you've got this far, it can't have been too bad.

Bye again.

Note: Regarding the scholarship. I don't think it was at all merit based -- but need-based. My folks could not afford college tuition so I got a free ride with the Illinois State Scholarship Commission. I could have gone to any Illinois state school but my parents didn't understand that the commission would also pay for tuition. The only thing they paid for was books.

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From Meg -- May 14, 1976 -- the last one

 Hello Dona, I'll bet you're surprised to get this letter, aren't you? Well, I'm sorry I haven't written earlier -- I...