Saturday, July 6, 2024

From Meg W -- August 8, 1975



I bet you're surprised to find a typed letter in the envelope, aren't you? I hope you don't mind me typing the letter, only I felt like typing it for a change. Mind you it's taking a long time

I got your letter yesterday morning before I went to work. I'm really enjoying the work. The people are great and the pay is more than I expected. I've opened a bank account for myself, and I have a cheque book so I can draw money out when I need it.

I'm glad you enjoyed the camping, I've never been camping myself, but I have a friend that goes camping quite often. I tried to get my parents interested in it once but I couldn't persuade them to try it.

From your letter it sounded like Jeremy was having fun with the British flag on the 4th of July. Fancy somebody thinking it was the French flag too!

By the way, how was the film, Tommy? Please tell me about it in your next letter. You always get good films over there, so if it comes to England I'll be able to go and see it.

My holiday was great. The weather was fine all the time except Monday night, when we had a storm and because were in a strange house, it was quite eerie. The doors and windows kept rattling and the thunder was just over our roof. I was quite frightened on my own in the little room on the top floor of the building. However the following day was the best day of the holiday as regards to the weather. My brother's wife, Hazel, got sun stroke and was sick on the Tuesday night. Nevertheless, she's O.K. now.

And you can tell Jeremy from me that he's to stop making fun of my height (or lack of it). Does he teas you in the same way?

I know what you mean when you say it's wonderful having him around. We all miss him here. He's a popular person really.

I'm just going to go and have a bath soon because I have to go to the hospital tomorrow for a check-up, and I like to be extra clean for the occasion. Perhaps Jeremy can tell you more about it later. It's too complicated, especially for my typing. I'm already losing track of what I'm trying to say.

Anyway I'll leave off here and send a message to Jeremy. So I'll write (or type) again later. Bye for now, take care.

Love, Meg

Hello Jeremy!

I hear you're having a good time over there. Be careful though, the gnomes and pixies might nip your ankles! I didn't realize you were staying there for so long. I just  phoned your mum to find out. So now I know you'll still be there when Dona gets this letter. I just bought Tubular Bells at the week-end so now I'm going to go and have a freak-out. (After my bath, that is). So I'll say bye for now -- to both of you.

Take good care of yourselves, and have a good time.

Love Little Meg
(You'll have me believing it yet!)...!!!!!!!!!

Note: Meg was a schoolmate of Jeremy's and we corresponded a bit. She finally visited and stayed with my cousin Beth a couple of years later, along with Sue. 

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From Meg -- May 14, 1976 -- the last one

 Hello Dona, I'll bet you're surprised to get this letter, aren't you? Well, I'm sorry I haven't written earlier -- I...