Wednesday, May 8, 2024

From Janet P November 14, 1976


10 Westfield Drive, Yeadon

Dear Dona,

Thanks for your letter. I don't know why you should apologize for not writing because it was sheer laziness on my part for not doing it first.

You ask if we are all right and enjoy being married, well we are both in the best of health, but dieting like mad because we have made pigs of ourselves and put on rather a lot of weight. The trouble is Niky loses weight quite easily when he tries but I lose about a pound a week and that is after a week of starving myself. As for marriage I love every minute. I even enjoy the washing and ironing.

The Lake District was boring. We got rather fed up so we were quite pleased to get home on the Wednesday.

As for Edinburgh we enjoyed it immensely but I think with a nut like Denise you could enjoy yourself everywhere.

I have not seen Lorraine for about 5 weeks so I have no idea if she is still seeing Graham but the last time I saw her they were still arguing. Did you know that they finished with each other at the wedding but they saw each other a few days later and got back together so they ended up going to Bridlington for a naughty weekend.

On the Sunday night of the honeymoon we decided to ring Niky's mum and they informed us we had taken the key but were sure we had given it to someone back at the reception. Anyway when we got back we said that we had definately not got the key so we suggested that Mum should look in her handbag. And guess what one for 17 Airedale Drive slipped down the wallet of her handbag. So Jeremy wen through the windows for nothing.

If I were you I would play the recording. I don't think you will cry if anything it should give you a good laugh.

Anyway I will have to finish off now oh and I thank you for taking part in the wedding and the photographs are really beautiful.



PS Niky sends his love

Note: Who in their right mind finds the Lake District boring!!!??? I vaguely remember hearing about the lost key and Jeremy going through the window to break into their house.

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From Meg -- May 14, 1976 -- the last one

 Hello Dona, I'll bet you're surprised to get this letter, aren't you? Well, I'm sorry I haven't written earlier -- I...