Wednesday, May 8, 2024

From Janet P March 25, 1977


10 Westfield Drive, Yeadon

Dear Dona,

I am so sorry to have taken so long in replying to your letter but I should tell you that I cannot reply to that as I lost it somewhere about the house.

I hope you are keeping well and I suppose counting the days to when Jerby arrives in the U.S.

We went to June and Grahams baby's christening last Sunday and in the evening we went to an American Pizza bar with Ian and Denise. We had a really good evening even though we did eat too much but since we got married we don't go out too often so we made the most of it. On Saturday night we went to Lorraine's Grahame's 21st party and had quite an interesting time. Don't get me wrong by the way, when I say that we don't go out often. We enjoy staying in our own home just watching TV or listening to records. 

I don't know if Jeremy told you but about 8 weeks ago I was moved to another branch of the bank. I went to the one in Town Street of Horsforth. I still have not got used to the change and miss all my friends but we still meet about every month and go out for drinks.

We have been spending quite a lot of money on the house and have covered the kitchen floor. We bought a new washer and have fitted all units. 

At the moment on TV they are showing the film Planet of the Apes with Charlton Heston so Niky is quite enthralled and it is hard to get him to answer anything I say. I just get the occasional grunt and groan.

Niky's mum and dad have just called on their way to some friend's. They came to see our new floor covering in the kitchen. Pat has to go in the hospital in about 6 months for some operations so she will be off work for about 3 months feeling pretty grotty. So I expect I will have two homes and a job to do so by the time she is well I will probably need 3 months off work to get my strength back. 

Anyway I thin I had better finish as I still have the tea pots to wash up. 

Anyway hope to hear from you soon. Niky sends his love.



Note: This is the last letter I have from Janet. I suspect we just organically stopped writing to each other. I barely remember these letters. Here's a photo of Janet in her new house before she moved in.

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From Meg -- May 14, 1976 -- the last one

 Hello Dona, I'll bet you're surprised to get this letter, aren't you? Well, I'm sorry I haven't written earlier -- I...