Saturday, May 25, 2024

From Janet P September 13, 1977


10 Westfield Drive, Yeadon Leeds

Dear Dona,

Thanks for the card. The time seems to have flown past. Before we know where we are it will be our silver wedding.

I hope you had a good 8 weeks whilst Jeremy was over three. So far he has not stopped telling us about all the things you did.

What does it feel like to be 21? Can you vote now or is 18 your coming of age? Jeremy said everybody was asking about the keys on your cards from England. My mum told me a one time nobody got a key for the door until they were 21 but I have had mine since I was 14 and Neil has had his since he was about 9.

He will be 11 on the 20th of next month. He just seems to grow every time I see him and gets cheekier. He has started to play badminton now the tennis season has finished.

At the moment I am off work with a cold and getting lots of sympathy from Niky who is at the moment getting over his exams and keeping his fingers crossed for a pass of all three. I don't know if Jeremy told you but he failed one out of the three last time so he had to retake them all.

Will you be coming in June or July next year because we have had a really wet summer this year and the weather is now getting around to blue skies. No cloud and lots of sun but not too warm.

Anyway, how are you getting along at University? Are you living in? If so you had better send your address unless you are going home at weekends. I wouldn't blame you if you did. It must get a bit lonely when your fella is 3,000 miles away.

Jeremy has told us your plans to come over here the year after next to stay. Will you have to get a special work permit and things?

Anyway I will close for now and wait for Niky to come home from his last exam (economics) which at least he enjoys the subject.

Bye for now. 

Janet and Niky

Note: Niky and Janet never made it to their silver wedding anniversary -- they divorced sometime after 1980. I did not go to England the next summer, but went in December instead because I'd got into a semester abroad program where I did student teaching in a school in London. Jeremy and I broke up during that visit. I did not live at college, but commuted the 45 minutes to and from school two or three days a week.

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From Meg -- May 14, 1976 -- the last one

 Hello Dona, I'll bet you're surprised to get this letter, aren't you? Well, I'm sorry I haven't written earlier -- I...